Screw Business As Usual


I want to introduce you to a 2011 book, Screw Business As Usual by Richard Branson, the entrepreneur behind Virgin Atlantic Records, Virgin Airlines, etc. This book is a great read for inspiration on running a business with thoughtful stewardship. Not just of giving good customer service and taking care of your employees, but being socially and morally responsible as a company and owner, too.

This is a book filled with short stories of companies (both Branson companies and others) that have made a commitment to goals outside the traditional business-as-usual goals of profit and bottom line gains. Richard talks about how a new business ethos is emerging, and counter to traditional views, you CAN do it all! You can make a profit while serving your customer, protecting your employees, AND meeting non-traditional goals like protecting the environment, giving back to the community, and supporting charitable causes.

This isn’t a dry how-to business manual. It is an inspirational collection of stories. It is a jumping-off point for you to then decide what your goals are in business and life, and begin to choose how to integrate those goals into your business. Then you can begin accomplishing what’s most important to you while you build a business and bring in profit. This book inspires you to keep an eye on the bottom line while still reaching for other goals that will fill the accounts in your heart and conscience.

Remember how you felt when you first began your business? How excited you were to make money, be your own boss, and change the world? After more than 20 years in business, Richard Branson still feels that way. He has a lot he can teach us about maintaining and growing our passion, drive, and successes by growing our sense of social responsibility along with our companies. Give Screw Business As Usual a read and let me know what you think.

Never stop learning, never stop growing your business!
Kristi Pavlik

This month’s book, of course, is available at Amazon, your local bookstore, or at your library. Enjoy!

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